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McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

  • 1.  McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 06:54

    I do the McMeel sudoku in the paper every day.  I have noted that the general level in the last....three months or so seems to have gotten harder.  Whereas I used to be able to do the Friday/Saturday/Sunday puzzles 80-90% of the time, now these routinely stump me.  I assume that is because they are now "guessing" puzzles, which is something I do not care to do.

    Any others noting the same thing?

    Bill Rock, Allen TX

  • 2.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 12:34
    I do several Sudoku every day. I prefer Kappa to everything else.  I'm not familiar with McNeal.  Which newspaper are these Sudoku published in?
    Nancy Campbell

  • 3.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 12:51
    Darned Auto correct.  McMeel


  • 4.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 20:36

    It looks like it is syndicated, I see it in the Dallas paper

    Bill Rock, Allen TX

  • 5.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 20:51

    I am glad to hear that there are others who have found some Sudoku puzzles that can't be solved by only using logic. I don't care for the guess to solve method either. I guess you could call it extended reasoning but I don't know how someone could keep track of the potential solution without some way of noting your string of "guesses". I put a dot in the square of my first guess and parentheses around the subsequent ones. If I can finish the puzzle then I guessed right. If not, I go back and erase everything in parentheses and choose the other option for the first square. (My first square is always one with two possibilities.) I'm curious if others have a different method. 

    Martha Sonsteng
    Ashland, WI

  • 6.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 20:56

    I had read about them, and now I guess (tee hee) that I am seeing them in the paper.  Dunno.  Thought I had a logical way to solve all of the "non guessing" ones, and that used to work.  So either the puzzle changed, or I am further into the DNR (Do Not Retest) zone.  

    Bill Rock, Allen TX

  • 7.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 21:00

    Lol. I think you're probably fine. When I first found one I couldn't solve I went online to a Sudoku solving site and it was basically a guess to solve method so I figure some puzzles are just that way. Maybe I'm fooling myself but for now, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-) 

    Martha Sonsteng
    Ashland, WI

  • 8.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-02-2024 21:39

    Martha, my method for guessing is that I usually use pen to solve, so I use pencil when guessing. I circle my first guess so I know where to start over if I need to. 

    Marcia Stutzman
    Harrisonburg, VA

  • 9.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-03-2024 01:58
    I don't know the McMeel Sudoku puzzles, but I've been doing Sudoku for about 19 years and learned early that guessing at anytime is a losers strategy.
    One of the reasons I love sudoku is that it's all skill, with zero luck (like with cards or dice) and guessing rarely works. There's only one correct answer
    for each cell and only one correct solution to every puzzle. This level of accuracy, rare among most human activities, I equate with truth, which is being
    challenged, unfortunately, in our complex and untrustworthy times, partially due to Trump's frequent lies, which have made mendacity normal.

  • 10.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-03-2024 07:10

    Next time I have one that I feel I need to "guess" an answer, I will message you first and get your strategy. Thinking many steps ahead and having the memory to remember them all is what I call guessing because my memory doesn't work as well as it use to. 

    Martha Sonsteng
    Ashland, WI

  • 11.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-03-2024 08:34

    So I just finished the Saturday McMeel; maybe fresh eyes this morning helped me.  I still do not guess (early or late), but instead just reduce the puzzle to pairs of "either or" cells that eventually get resolved; I begin writing the possible values in the corners of the cell (when a value only fits two of a row, square, or column), and when I have a pair of cells with the same two possibilities (in the same square, row, or column) that helps force other numbers into other cells.  No memory involved (see DNR above).

    Bill Rock, Allen TX

  • 12.  RE: McMeel sudoku change in difficulty?

    Posted 11-03-2024 08:48

    That sounds very similar to my technique. But I have still been stumped at times. The ones I particularly hate is the same two values valid for 4 squares that are all interconnected so it doesn't really matter what you put where. Kind of a disappointment to not have to figure it out other than it doesn't matter. :-/

    Martha Sonsteng
    Ashland, WI