Exploring Sudoku

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  • 1.  Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 11:34

    Who is receiving these messages? I'm new!

    Felice Nightengale, she/her
    MWW Publicity +3
    MWW Recording Secretary (Scribe)
    Region 8 Assistant + 2
    Redmond, WA

  • 2.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 12:32
    Hi Felice,

    Thanks for trying, but at 81 years I'm just too technologically unsophisticated to learn from these absurd complications. I started a SIG regarding my interest (Sudoku), hoping to engage 
    other Mensans in conversations. I've sent several messages but received no responses, so suspect I'm doing something wrong. I never put "Nobody" as an option and don't know why anyone would. 
    Why make that the default? Might as well make Chinese the default language and not tell anyone. That would guarantee a problem, as does a "Nobody" default.

    I just want something simple, like email, to allow conversations between my SIG members. 

    Mensa Connect doesn't work well, or requires a PhD in computer engineering.

    Jerry Martin

  • 3.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 12:39

    Hi Jerry,

    This message does go out to everyone in your group who is opted in. I can help you pull the report that shows how many of the 28 people here fall into that category.


    Felice Nightengale, she/her
    MWW Publicity +3
    MWW Recording Secretary (Scribe)
    Region 8 Assistant + 2
    Redmond, WA

  • 4.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 12:52
    Hi.  I'm a Sudoku nut.  I do a Sudoku from each level as soon as I wake up every morning, and again at night.  You know how Mensans try to make everything harder?  My latest thing is doing them without putting temporary "possible" numbers in... Only the real answers.  Takes longer, but uses more brain cells, lol.

    Nancy Campbell

  • 5.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 12:54
    Edited by Jerry Martin 02-25-2023 18:52
    Hi Felice,
    Yes, I need help resurrecting my SIG. I think I have your phone number and will call you another time.
    Two observations: Is the name Mensa Connect or Connect Mensa? At the top of this page it says "connect Mensa". Which is it?
    According to your response below, it was sent at 12:39 PM. But here on the west coast where we both live it's only 10:47AM. 
    I suppose I should apologize for being so picky about accuracy, but again it seems that Mensa Connect (or connect Mensa) is casual about facts while intolerant of less than perfect processing by 
    those of us trying to learn this absurdly complex system. It's very discouraging.
    Jerry Martin

  • 6.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 14:20
    Mensa Connect is the name of the system, but the logo has the connect on the top. 

    I can believe that all of the timestamps are Central time, as that's where the HW is sitting...umm the HW administrator is sitting.  And Mensa Connect is  probably disconnected enough from your personal information to be not aware of what time zone you sit in.  Or us CT people are just self-centered slobs.

    I think complexity is at least partially what you're used to.  It took me years to get to doing sudoku at this level.  I was really baffled for a while.  And I go to AGs and get crushed in the competition.  So be it.  I figure I must be missing (at least) a couple of tricks, <insert bridge joke> as the level-4 one in the paper this week has baffled me, but the level five and six went fine. 

  • 7.  RE: Hello Everyone

    Posted 02-25-2023 21:15
    Hi Jerry,

    I appreciate the efforts you have made. For myself, I never expected to get so much email telling me to do things to join the SIG. It's nice to know that you are an agemate at 81, and maybe someday we can talk on an old fashioned phone. My number is 949-494-1780, landline. Then you can tell me something about yourself.

    I'm a recent widow, age 84, using a computer all the time, but I can't interact with so many people. I also don't have time to learn the finer points of computer manipulation. You might Google/Wikipedia me and find out that I have a book coming out and am too busy to handle more details in life. 

    I do the LATimes sudoku every morning to start the day, it would be fun to learn more strategies, and find out if my system of dots is used by anyone else. But at the moment, here, the roof is leaking, water is standing under the house, I have duties as executor, and it's all too blinking much! 

    Here's hoping the Sudoku SIG is still on tap in a few months.

    Joyce Farmer